
My name is Mariah Nash and I am the creator of Be Bold Stand Back Up.

I am a survivor of post-traumatic stress disorders. I’ve decided to share with the world everything I experience that was meant to break me down, how strong and courageous I am to not let it hold me down, and how I’m moving forward with my life, on a goal, to reach my full potential in life.

The idea of creating this blog is to give back knowledge and to help others who have experienced PTSD. I know the feeling of getting knocked down by life, and having no one to help you get back up or being on the brink of ending it all just so you can have peace.

With that, I’ve created a blog to connect with individuals that are looking for inspirational articles and motivational quotes. I’m here to help you overcome anything that is stopping you from moving forward in your life. Please visit my website http://www.beboldstandbackup.com to check out inspirational interviews from individuals that experienced PTSD and how they promote wellness and healthy living.
Also, please check out my spa business at http://www.bbspaboss.com